Keeping Our Fruit Trees Healthy
I always feel a mix of emotions when we trim our fruit trees. It feels good to tidy them up and prepare for spring, but it's also sad to see the pile of branches we cut off. Each year we have to remind each other that we cut off specific branches for good reasons. We are shaping each tree. The direction the branches face will make the whole tree stronger for years to come. Next year's growth will be added to it. Pruning will provide the best space for each branch to grow it's fruit. It will help the branches not to be overburdened with fruit in the spring. These are good things.
Two weekends back, I pruned the lower branches, while Matt worked on other projects. However, reaching the top branches is a good two person job. We tackled that this weekend. It's nice to have a ladder climber and a ladder holder.
Can you believe that spring is almost here?! The buds are almost ready to open, so I took some inside to enjoy.
Although it is sad that they are cut branches, there is beauty there too.
- Kristy