Patience is trying to convince your mini-donkey that she does, in fact, want to cross the threshold of the barn stall and then climb into the trailer.
Like much of California, we were hit by PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff this weekend. While there’s plenty to grumble about with regards to PG&E, it’s not going to help get the power back on.
It is mid-January and I have been slowly, and peacefully, planting our winter garden. The biggest struggle right now is keeping the slugs and snails away.
Patience is trying to convince your mini-donkey that she does, in fact, want to cross the threshold of the barn stall and then climb into the trailer.
Over Thanksgiving Break, the kids and I spent some time getting the tack room and one stall in the barn operational. I’d hoped to get two stalls up and running, but I can’t install all the plywood until the electrical is in and inspected.